Ongoing Needs

May — October 2024

  • Funding For Maasai High School Construction
    This project is in Southern Kenya. We’ve raised $100,000 of the needed $225,000 and construction has begun.
  • Funding Assistance For School Fees
    Underprivileged students are in need of an education but their families are unable to afford it. Your donation of $450 per year — or just $35 per month — sends a child to school & provides him/her with two meals a day.
  • Motorcycles For Pastors
    Several more Motorbikes are needed in Kenya & Burundi to help Pastors reach hard to reach villages with the Gospel of Jesus. Many pastors walk 10+ miles one way through the bush to teach the Bible three times a week. Many walk through dangerous terrain occupied by tribal warriors and wild hyenas, leopards and elephants. Motorbikes help them to make it home safely to their families after each trip. Each motorbike is $1500.00.