CRI Teamwork

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Lane Wettengel
Founder / President
Shortly after being saved in 1985 Lane attended Bible School in San Diego, CA. It was there that the Lord sparked in him a passion for missions which would continue to grow for many years to come. He and his wife Cindy served the Lord as missionaries for over ten years in Southern Mexico and prior to that another two years on the island of Grenada in the West Indies.
In the years since Grenada, Lane has traveled to several countries including Cuba, Japan, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Liberia, Turkey, Israel, Chili and Peru. Lane continues to leads several missions trips each year to teach the Word of God, equip leaders, feed the hungry, oversee building & clean water projects and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who don’t know Him.
Formally, Lane was the Missions Pastor and an Elder at Calvary Chapel Sonora, California and has been a church planter, a pastor, the founder and director of a Bible school, a Bible teacher, missionary, evangelist, conference speaker and the founder of “CRI” a non profit organization reaching out in the name of Jesus to the worlds suffering and forgotten.
Lane has been married to his wife Cindy since 1981, they have two grown daughters and two grandsons! He enjoys hiking in the mountains, being with his family, and traveling the world in order to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Larry Moe DDS
Vise President / Treasurer

Pastor Brit Grim
He worked as an engineer for 40 years and his work took him to many parts of the world. His work included many varied leadership roles in design and implementation with a few experiences in training and software quality assurance. He was president and board member of a large local chapter of an international fraternal organization.
Brit is an adventure junky with inherited wanderlust and God uses these gifts as he serves in ministry in many parts of the world. God has used him in many roles, including youth leader, Sunday school worker, worship leader, elder, board member, short-term missionary, Bible teacher, and administrator.
Married over 50 years to his awesome bride, Judy, he credits her for encouraging him and showing him ways to improve as a man, a husband, a father, and a man of God. He is currently serving as an associate pastor at Calvary Chapel San Jose, in northern California.

Pastor Evanson Gitu
Maasai Tribal Ministry
His first wife Susan was killed in a terrorist attack on the US embassy in Nairobi, Kenya in 1998, leaving Gitu alone with four young children. The Lord was faithful to bring him another wife and ministry partner a few years later. Miriam is a very big hearted person and together they have planted churches and have started Anchored Hope Schools for impoverished children.
They are also evangelizing & discipling remote Maasai tribal communities in southern Kenya. Miriam has nearly completed her masters degree in education. This degree is the foundation she needed to raise up a new generation of Christians who make an impact on their communities. She will be the administer of the new Maasai High School which is currently under construction in Maasai Land.
For more info on how CRI is ministering with the Gitu’s please go to ….

Pastor Steven Ereng
Samburu / Turkana Tribal Ministry In Northern Kenya
Pastor Steven is a Turkana tribesman and his wife Christine is Samburu. God, in His mercy, is using this godly couple to share the love of Christ with these two warring tribes.
They live in northern Kenya planting churches and raising leaders, feeding the hungry, paying for medical treatment and generally lending a helping hand whenever possible. Christine holds a bachelors degree in community development and has been an asset to the ministry.
Steven and Christine are no strangers to pain. They have lost several friends, two babies and other family members to tribal conflict, starvation and treatable illnesses in recent years.
For more information on how CRI is ministering with Steven please go to ….

Pastor Jean Pierre Ntahimpereye
Burundi / Outreach to the Batwa Pygmy Tribes of Eastern Congo
Jean Pierre and his wife Albine serve the Lord as the pastors of Calvary Chapel Bujumbura, in French speaking Burundi. He is a graduate of CCBC in Uganda and sits on the Board of the Calvary Chapel Association of East Africa. “JP” has planted 14+ churches and oversees their spiritual development. He also founded and directs a School of Ministry – training future and existing pastors to rightly handle the Word of God.
His churches are very evangelistic sharing the Gospel of Jesus in one of the most impoverished countries in the world. He has also developed a team who travels into the jungles of Eastern Congo every month in order to minister to a primitive Pygmy tribe.
To learn more about how CRI is ministering with Jean Pierre see ….