Crisis Relief

Saving Lives

CRI’s Crisis Relief initiative provides life-saving aid and supplies to those most affected by drought, disease and tribal conflict.

Our primary objective is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ but while doing so, we also have the responsibility to acknowledge the harsh reality that malnutrition, lack of clean water, and high infant mortality significantly impact real people.

As we extend aid to many impoverished villages within Africa’s tribal lands, the need to increase our Crisis Relief Initiatives intensifies. The compounding effects of global food shortages, prolonged droughts, and soaring transportation expenses have multiplied the cost of essential staples like corn flour, rice, and beans, more than tripling their prices in recent years.

With your help CRI is fighting against hunger and the lack of clean water in places plagued by famine.

Emergency Food

Calvary Relief International, through its Crisis Relief initiative, is actively engaged in providing life saving...

Clean Water

Health and Sanitation: Clean water is essential for preventing deadly waterborne diseases like cholera...


The tribal lands of Kenya face severe challenges in food security, unemployment, and economic...
Your monthly recurring donation to CRI’s life saving “Crisis Relief” initiatives helps thousands of desperate and hurting people in their greatest time of need.

Will you join us today in making a difference?

You can be part of God’s solution to some of the worlds greatest problems.